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Big Changes

It's with a heavy heart that Sozorox is making this announcement. Doug Moore is no longer with the band. Instead of rambling on, this is simply his official statement. We are thankful for all the stages we shared. All upcoming dates will be fulfilled nevertheless...God bless his future projects...

"Good Morning Guys! It has been an amazing 4 years or so. Being allowed to share the stage with you all has been one of the most awesome things I've ever done in my life. But, as life changes and opportunities present themselves, you have to leap! Between my career and personal obligations, I really do feel it's time for me to walk away from the best Christian/Life metal band out there! The memories I have from being a part of SOZOROX will be with me forever. I know the future is so bright for you all, and the opportunities that are coming your way will be fantastic.Thank you Darren, for allowing me to be apart of this special group of guys, past and present! There's now nowhere for SOZOROX to go but.. up, up, up! You guys ROCK, and you always will!! I will forever be a fan!"

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Record label-Vision of God Records

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