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March marks the 13th anniversary of the founding of Sozorox. The list of milestones, sleepless nights, heartbreaks, and personnel changes are much too long to post here. The positive feedback from fans from all over the world, sharing that the message in the songs has meant something personally to them, and has helped them while they were struggling in different areas of their lives, gives what I and the band do so much meaning and responsibility. We may have only been in your town for a couple hours for a performance, may not have gotten your name, but every face is remembered. I personally thank each of you that are a part of the Sozorox family, have stuck by our sides through these past 13 years and have given your support. I hope you'll all be there for the next 13!~Darren Van Frankenstein

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Management- WLFGNPLYR  Productions

Record label-Vision of God Records

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